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All About You! Episode 4


Welcome back to the All About Audiology podcast. I’m your host Dr. Lilach Saperstein and this is the All About YOU mini episode. In the last full episode, episode 3 we discussed how our hearing works and all the different part of our auditory pathway that work together so we can hear. I love talking about this, and I’m so happy that so many of you commented and sent in your reactions. You guys loved this episode!

Naomi from Brooklyn commented on

“Thank you for the wonderful explanations of the ear and of hearing. I loved your examples, it’s easier to understand.”

I received a lovely email from Dr. Rachel Udkoff in California who wrote in saying,

“Dr Saperstein, I’ve listened to you podcasts, and your presentations are so relevant to the needs of all age groups suffering hearing loss. As a physician, there has been so little done for the public in this area, and many people feel uncertain. There is a pressing need for information for everyone that has ears, especially presented in such an informative and enjoyable format.”

I really appreciate that Dr. Udkoff. You hit the nail on the head of why this is so important to me. I do feel that there’s not enough information for the public, for YOU about audiology.

On instagram, (@allaboutaudiologypodcast), after the episode I posted a couple of pictures of the tiniest bones in the body, the ossicles. And I got a comment from Grace, who said,

“I really appreciate the addition of visuals on instagram. It really put it all together for me.”

Thanks Grace, I am also a very visual learner, as well as an auditory learner, and that’s why I do supplement the concepts discussed on the podcast over at the Instagram page, so come join us over there as well. @allaboutaudiologypodcast

Another comment really warmed my heart,

“Dr. Saperstein, it is a true pleasure to hear all you have to say. Your words are insightful and yet full of depth. As soon as I heard you I became an instant fan. I wish you continued success as I’m sure all the others who hear you will also become enraptured with all you have to say.” – Rachel, from NY

Now, another group of listeners that I really appreciate are the students who are interested in audiology as a career, but also to open up the interdisciplinary dialogue for students in other fields. I received a message on Instagram from Katelyn who said

“I just found your podcast on Spotify, and I am very excited! I’m a CSD (communication sciences and disorders) undergrad and AuD is my plan for the future! I am so glad I found your podcast, because I wanted to find extra resources for my classes, and I am looking forward to future episodes.”

Katelyn, that is amazing. It’s so wonderful that you are looking for additional materials and different perspectives on what you’re studying. I’m really glad you and other students have found the podcast. And by the way, yes, the podcast is available on spotify, itunes, google play, stitcher and more.

Join us for the next episode which is all about hearing loss. The different types of hearing loss, what are some common causes of hearing loss, and a bit about why some people do better with hearing aids than others. Tune in for All About Hearing Loss. This has been the All about You episode. I’m Dr. Lilach Saperstein and this is the All About Audiology podcast.

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